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Econ Gr10-12 Concepts
Econ Gr10-12 Concepts
Adam Smith's - Invisible Hand - Definition, Theory & Controversies - Explained in One Minute
Affiliate Marketing and Multi-Level Marketing (MLM_Network Marketing) in One Minute
Alpha (Edge, Excess Return, Abnormal Rate of Return) of Investors Traders Explained
Altcoins (Bitcoin Alternatives) Defined - Explained in One Minute
Antitrust Laws (Competition Laws) - The Sherman Antitrust Act, FTC Act, etc
Are Taxes Fair - The Redistribution of Wealth via Taxation Explained in One Minute
Asset Bubbles (The Tulip Mania and Others) Explained in One Minute
Asset Price Recoveries vs Economic Recoveries - When Should a Recovery Be Trusted
Assets and Liabilities Defined, Explained and Compared in One Minute
Austrian Economics and Keynesianism (Keynesian Economics) Explained in One Minute
Autarky (Closed Economy) vs FreeTrade - Definitions, Explanation - Comparison and Examples
Ayn Rand (The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged) Analyzed - From Biography to Philosophy
Bank Runs - How Banks Become Insolvent and Fail - Explained in One Minute
Barriers to Entry - Definition, Examples and Monopoly - Competition Concerns
Bell Curve (Normal Gaussian Distribution) Explained - From Definition to Examples
Big Three - Credit Rating Agencies in One Minute_ Standard & Poor's_S&P, Moody's and Fitch Group
Binary Options - Scams or Legitimate Investment - Trading Opportunities
Bitcoin (BTC) vs Bitcoin Cash (BCC - BCH) - Will You Sell or Hold Your Bitcoin Cash
Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Explained in One Minute
Bonds (Corporate Bonds, Municipal Bonds, Government Bonds, etc) Explained in One Minute
Book Value and Price-to-Book Ratio (P_B Ratio) Explained - From Definition to Formulas & Examples
Bretton Woods Monetary System (1944 - 1971) Explained in One Minute
Budget Deficits (Deficit Spending) and Surpluses Defined, Explained & Compared in One Minute
Bull and Bear Markets (Bullish vs Bearish) - From Definition to Examples
Business Cycle (Economic Expansions and Contractions) Explained in One Minute
Buying New Cars vs Choosing Used Vehicles - A One Minute Comparison
Can You Afford a Car - If So, Should You Buy the Car Now - Explained in One Minute
Capitalism, Socialism and Communism Explained in One Minute
Cash and Cash Equivalents (Treasury Bills, Money Market Funds, CDs, etc) Explained in One Minute
Central Banks and Commercial Banks Compared in One Minute
Choosing Your Car - What Kind of a Vehicle Should You Pick - Explained in One Minute
Coase Theorem Explained - Coasean Bargaining Definition, Conditions - Assumptions and Examples
Cold War Explained From Beginning to End in One Minute_ Causes_Effects, Timeline and Outcome
Collateralized Debt Obligations (CDOs) - Definition, Risk, Tranches, etc
Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLOs) - Mortgage-Backed Securities
Commercials and Ads Explained in One Minute
Commodities and Commoditization (from Scarcity to Commodity) Defined and Explained
Compound Interest Explained in One Minute
Consumer Price Inflation (Consumer Price Index_CPI) and Asset Price Inflation Compared in One Minute
Corporate Welfare - Socialism - Privatizing Profits and Socializing Losses_
Correlation Does Not Imply Causation - Perspective on Correlation vs Causation
Counterparty Risk (Default Risk) Explained in One Minute
Credit Scores and Credit Reports Explained in One Minute
Cryptocurrency Exchanges Explained - Is Your Crypto (BTC, ETH, LTC, XRP, etc) Safe
Currency Wars (Competitive Currency Devaluations) Explained in One Minute
Debt - Loan Consolidation, Refinancing and Restructuring Defined, Explained & Compared
Deduction vs Induction (Deductive_Inductive Reasoning) - Definition_Meaning, Explanation & Examples
Deflation Explained in One Minute
Deleveraging Explained in One Minute_ From Definition to Examples
Democrats vs Republicans - The Economics Behind the Republican and Democratic Parties
Deposit Guarantees (Deposit Insurance Systems Like the FDIC) Explained in One Minutes
Depreciating Assets Explained in One Minute
Derivatives Explained in One Minute
Diversification Explained - Don't Put All Your Eggs in One Basket When Investing
Doing - Fixing Things Yourself (DIY) vs Hiring a Professional in One Minute
Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) and Lump Sum Investing Defined, Explained & Compared in One Minute
Dot Com Bubble Explained in One Minute
Downsizing Your Home (Life) Explained - Should You Move to a Smaller House Apartment
Dunning-Kruger (David Dunning_Justin Kruger) Effect Explained_ Definition_Meaning, Examples
Dutch Tulip Mania (aka Tulipomania, aka Tulip Bubble) Explained in One Minute
Dying (Leaving a Will, Passing on Assets, etc)
Earnings Per Share (EPS) & Price-to-Earnings Ratio (P_E Ratio)_ Definitions Formulas Examples
Economics of World War I (1st WW) in One Minute
Economics of World War II (2nd WW) in One Minute
Economies of Scale - Definition, Theory, Explanation and Examples
Enron Scandal - Corporate Recklessness, Lies and Bankruptcy - Explained in One Minute
European Union's Legislative Process (Institutions - Laws)_ Commission, Council & Parliament
Fear and Greed - Emotional vs Rational Economic Thinking and Investment Decisions
Fear of Missing Out (FOMO) When Investing_Trading Explained in One Minute
Federal Funds Rate Explained in One Minute_ Federal Reserve Interest Rate Superpower or Threat_
Federal Reserve's Discount Rate Explained in One Minute_ From Definition to Implications
Financial Crisis vs Economic Crisis - Comparison (Definition, Examples, etc)
Financial Leverage (Trading on Equity) Explained in One Minute
Financial Statements - Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement - Explained in One Minute
First and Second Industrial Revolution Explained & Compared in One Minute_ Dates_Facts_Economics
Fixed - Variable - Total Costs and the Marginal Cost of Production Defined & Explained
Florida Real Estate Bubble of the 1920s (AKA '20s Land Boom and Bust) Explained in One Minute
Foreign Exchange Market and Forex Trading Explained in One Minute
Fractional Reserve Banking Explained in One Minute
Franklin Delano Roosevelt's (FDR's) New Deal Explained in One Minute
From Bullish to Bearish_ Market Sentiment (AKA Investor Sentiment_Attention) Explained in One Minute
From Japan to the US, EU and Beyond_ Balance Sheet Recessions (Richard Koo) Explained in One Minute
Game Theory Explained in One Minute
Getting a Job vs Working for Yourself (Being Your Own Boss) in One Minute
Gig Economy Explained in One Minute_ Definition, Job Examples (Uber, Fiverr, Freelancer), etc
Globalization Explained in One Minute
Gold Standard Explained in One Minute
Great Depression Explained in One Minute
Great Recession (2007 - 2008 Global Financial Crisis) Explained in One Minute
How Likely Is a Currency Reset in 2020 and Beyond - Currency Resets Explained in One Minute
Greater Fool Theory Explained in One Minute_ From _Definition_ (Meaning) to Examples
Gresham' s Law (Thomas Gresham) and Thiers' Law (Adolphe Thiers) Explained & Compared in One Minute
Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Government Revenue Explained in One Minute
Halo Effect, Reverse Halo Effect and Horn Effect Defined & Explained (w_ Examples) in One Minute
Hedge Funds, Mutual Funds and Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) Explained & Compared in One Minute
How Eurodollars Work Explained - From Definition and History to Market Importance
How Likely Is a Currency Reset in 2020 and Beyond - Currency Resets Explained in One Minute
How Money Works Explained in One Minute
Hyperinflation Explained in One Minute
IMF's Special Drawing Rights (SDR or XDR) Defined and Explained in One Minute
Indicators Explained - From Forex & Stock Trading to Macroeconomics
Inflation Explained in One Minute
Insolvency vs Default vs Bankruptcy - Three Terms Defined, Explained and Compared in One Minute
Instant and Delayed Gratification Explained in One Minute_ Consuming vs Saving
Insurance (Life Insurance, Health Insurance, Auto Car Insurance, etc) Explained in One Minute
International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank Explained in One Minute
Intrinsic Value - Labor vs Subjective Theory of Value - Explained in One Minute
Investing in Art and Antiques Explained in One Minute
Investing in Domains and Websites (Digital_Intangible Assets) Explained in One Minute
Investing in Precious Metals (Mainly Gold and Silver) Explained in One Minute
Investing in Real Estate Explained in One Minute
Investing in Stocks (AKA Shares or Equities) Explained in One Minute
Investing in Yourself Explained in One Minute
John Law's Mississippi Company - From Economic Miracle to Bubble and Ultimately Scam - Explained in One Minute
K-Shaped Recoveries Explained in One Minute
Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility Explained in One Minute_ From Definition to Examples
Learn How to Calculate Your Net Worth in One Minute
Left-Wing Anarchism and Right-Wing Anarchism (Anarcho-Capitalism) Defined, Explained and Compared
Legal and Illegal Front-Running (Tailgating) Explained - Buy the Rumor, Sell the News_
Legitimate Recovery or Dead Cat Bounce (DCB)_ Catching a Falling Knife Explained in One Minute
Life Extension - Longevity Industry's Economics Explained - Geroscience, Biomedicine, Anti-Aging
Lindy Effect Explained in One Minute_ From Albert Goldman to Nassim Taleb, & Gold to Bitcoin_
Linear (Arithmetic) and Logarithmic (Exponential Growth) Scales_Charting Explained in One Minute
Living Paycheck to Paycheck_ Debt Over-Optimization Explained in One Minute
Liquidity Crisis - Squeeze vs Credit Crunch - Definitions - Explanation and Comparison Differences
Lobbying Explained in One Minute_ From Meaning_Definition to Examples
Longing vs Buying and Shorting vs Selling - Comparison, from Definition to Differences
London Whales - Well-Funded Investors - Traders Like JPMorgan Chase's - Explained in One Minute
Loss Aversion and the Sunk Cost Fallacy Defined & Explained in One Minute
Main Street and Wall Street Compared in One Minute
Market Capitalization (Market Cap) Explained in One Minute_ Stocks, Bitcoin & Cryptocurrencies
Market for Lemons - George Akerlof, Information Asymmetry, Imperfect Information & Market Failures
Marshall Plan & OECD Explained in One Minute_ Dates_History, Countries, Figures and Objectives
Mean (aka Average) and the Median Defined, Calculated_Explained and Compared in One Minute
Microeconomics vs Macroeconomics - Definition, Explanation and Comparison in One Minute
Milton Friedman's Work_Career (Theory, Books, Politics, etc) and Monetarism Explained in One Minute
Minimalism and Frugality Compared in One Minute
Minimum Wage Explained in One Minute
Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) Explained in One Minute
Monetary Easing (aka Quantitative Easing _ QE, LTRO, APP and so on) Explained in One Minute
Money Supply (Monetary Base, M1 and M2) Defined & Explained in One Minute
Monopoly vs Oligopoly vs Competition_ Monopolies and Oligopolies Defined, Explained and Compared
Moral Hazard - AIG Bailout, General Motors Bailout, Bank Bailouts, etc - Explained in One Minute
Mortgage-Backed Securities (MBS) Explained - Did We Learn Our Lesson_
Nash Equilibrium (A Beautiful Mind, John Nash)_ Definition, Explanation & Examples in One Minute
Nassim Taleb's Theory of Black Swan Events Explained in One Minute
Negative Interest Rates (Negative Interest Rate Policy or NIRP Implications) Explained in One Minute
Negative Oil Prices Explained - From Demand Shock to Futures Market
Net vs Gross (Income, Pay_Salary, etc) - Definition - Difference, Explanation, Examples
Odds vs Probability - Definition, Explanation, Calculation, Examples and Comparison in One Minute
Opportunity Costs (the Price of Missed Opportunities) Explained in One Minute
Outsourcing Pros and Cons - Should You Outsource or Insource (Hire In-House Employees)
Pandemics and Complex Global Supply Chains - Supply Chain Complexity Explained in One Minute
Paper Profits and Paper Wealth - Realized vs Unrealized Gains - Explained in One Minute
Paradox of Thrift (Underconsumption and Oversaving) Explained in One Minute
Past Performance Does Not Guarantee Future Results - Popular Quote Disclaimer Explained
Payday Loans (AKA Cash Advance Loans, Payday Advance Loans or Salary Loans) Explained in One Minute
Paying Rent vs Getting a Home Loan - Mortgage - A One Minute Comparison
Pearson Correlation Coefficient Explained - From Definition to Formula + Examples
Peer-to-Peer Lending (AKA P2P Loans or Crowdlending) Explained in One Minute
Percentiles (Centiles, Percentile Rank), Deciles and Quartiles Defined & Explained in One Minute
Permabulls vs Permabears in One Minute_ From Definition to Examples (Gold, Stocks, Real Estate)
Populism (in Economics and-or Politics) Explained in One Minute
Positive and Negative Externalities Defined & Explained in One Minute_ Education vs Pollution_
Poverty and (Economic) Inequality Defined, Explained and Compared in One Minute
Prepping (Preparing for an Economic Collapse, Social Unrest, etc) in One Minute
Prisoner's Dilemma Explained in One Minute
Probabilities Explained - Probability Definition, Formula and Misconceptions
Profit Margins Explained - From Definition - Meaning to Formulas and Examples
Profiteering, Price Fixing and Price Gouging Defined, Explained and Compared in One Minute
Pros_Cons of Economic Sanctions Explained_ Definition Examples Advantages and Disadvantages
Pump and Dump Schemes Explained in One Minute
Pyramid Schemes and Ponzi Schemes Explained in One Minute
Recessions vs Depressions - Definitions, Explanations and Comparison in One Minute
Regression Toward the Mean (AKA Return to Average Normal) - Definition, Explanation and Examples
Repurchase Agreements (Repo) & Reverse Repurchase Agreements (Reverse Repo) Explained in One Minute
Resource Curse (Paradox of Plenty) Explained_ Definition_Meaning, Examples (Dutch Disease), etc
Retail Bros (Dave Portnoy) vs Suits - (Why) Do Most Retail Traders Lose Money - Explained in One Minute
Retirement Planning - When to Start Preparing, Building a Diversified Portfolio, etc
Return On Investment (ROI) in One Minute_ Definition, Explanation, Examples, Formula_Calculation
Revenue vs Gross Income - Profit Earnings vs Net Income Profit Earnings (Bottom Line)
Risk and Probability of Ruin (When Investing_Trading) Explained in One Minute
Risk to Reward Ratio Explained in One Minute_ From Definition and _Formula_ to Examples
Risk-On and Risk-Off (Safe Haven) Assets Explained - From Bonds (US Treasuries) to (Crypto)Currencies
Sample Size Explained in One Minute_ From Definition to Examples and Research Tips
Say's Law (Jean-Baptiste Say) Explained - Aggregate Supply Aggregate Demand
Scientific Method in One Minute_ Definition, Explanation, Steps and Examples in Research_Science
Secured vs Unsecured Loans - Definitions, Explanations and Comparison
Securities Explained - From Definition - Meaning to Examples
Shadow Banking (Hedge Funds, Money Market Funds, etc) Explained in One Minute
Shareholders and Stakeholders Compared - Definition - Meaning, Explanation and Examples
Short Selling Assets (Shorting) Explained - From Definition to Examples
South Sea Company Asset Bubble of Great Britain Explained in One Minute
Sovereign Debt (National, Government or Public Debt) Explained in One Minute_ From Meaning to Crisis
Stagflation Explained in One Minute
Standard Deviation (and Variance) Explained in One Minute_ From Concept to Definition & Formulas
Statistical Adjustment (Seasonal_Inflation Adjustment and More) Defined & Explained in One Minute
Statistical Significance, the Null Hypothesis and P-Values Defined & Explained in One Minute
Stimulus (Monetary Stimulus and Fiscal Stimulus) Explained in One Minute
Stock Market Crash of 1987 (Black Monday) Explained in One Minute
Stop-Loss and Take-Profit Orders Explained in One Minute_ From Definition to Examples~Trailing Stops
Study Types_ Descriptive (Surveys) & Analytic (Randomized Controlled Trials, Observational Studies)
Subsidies Explained in One Minute
Supply and Demand Explained in One Minute
Survivorship Bias Explained - From Definition - Meaning to Examples (Finance and Trading)
Systemic Risk (Too Big to Fail) Explained in One Minute
Tangible and Intangible Assets Compared in One Minute
Third and Fourth Industrial Revolution (Internet of Things, AI, etc) Explained in One Minute
THODLing (_Hold_ Typo Meme) Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Explained in One Minute
Thomas Malthus (Malthusianism)_ Does Population Growth Lead to Food Shortages & Resource Depletion_
Three Types of Money in One Minute_ Commodity Money, Representative Money and Fiat Money__Currency
To Collude, or Not to Collude_ The Economics Behind Collusion Explained in One Minute
Trade (or Labor) Unions Explained in One Minute_ Definition_Meaning, History & Arguments For_Against
Traders vs Investors- Trading and Investing - Explained in One Minute
Tragedy of the Commons Explained in One Minute
Trust Funds Explained in One Minute_ Definition_Meaning, Examples and Tips
Types of Debt Levels Countries Have - Household, National & Corporate - Explained in One Minute
Types of Traders Compared - Scalpers, Day Traders, Swing Traders, etc - Explained in One Minute
Understanding Structural Unemployment in One Minute_ Definition, Explanation, Examples and Causes
Understanding the Mode and Range in One Minute_ Definition, Explanation and Examples
Underwriting (Insurance, Loans, IPOs, etc) Explained in One Minute_ Definition_Meaning, Examples
Unemployment Rate and the Labor Force Participation Rate Compared in One Minute
Unfunded Liabilities Explained in One Minute_ From Definition to Tricky Unfunded Liability Examples
United States Economic Stimulus Payments (Checks, EIP Debit Cards, etc) Explained in One Minute
Universal (AKA Guaranteed or Unconditional) Basic Income Explained in One Minute
V-Shaped Recoveries Explained and Compared to U, W and L-Shaped Recovery Scenarios in One Minute
Velocity of Money Explained in One Minute
Volatility Explained in One Minute_ From Definition_Meaning & Examples to the Volatility Index (VIX)
Was the COVID-19 Pandemic a Black Swan or White Swan Event_
Wealth Effect Theory Explained in One Minute_ Will_Should You Spend More If You _Feel_ Richer_
Weighted Average (AKA Weighted Arithmetic Mean) in One Minute_ Definition + Explanation
Why and How Do Asset Prices Collapse_ Minsky Moments (Hyman Minsky) Explained in One Minute
Will Robots Take Our Jobs_ Technological Unemployment Defined & Explained (+ Examples) in One Minute
Will the Dollar Collapse Due to Low Interest Rates and Quantitative Easing_ A One Minute Perspective
World Trade Organization (WTO) Explained in One Minute
Zero-Sum Games and Win-Win - Lose-Lose Situations Compared in One Minute
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