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Math Gr02 – WR Y2
Math Gr02 – WR Y2
Y2 - 131 - Making patterns with shapes
Y2 - 129 - Describing movement and turns activity
Y2 - 132 - Telling time to the hour
Y2 - 133 - Telling time to the half hour
Y2 - 115 - Measure length (1)
Y2 - 116 - Measure Length (2)
Y2 - 114 - Compare lengths and heights
Y2 - 062 - Multiplication sentences using picturesmp4crdownload
Y2 - 077 - Make Tally Charts activity
Y2 - 078 - Make Tally Charts
Y2 - 079 - Draw Pictograms (1-1) activity
Y2 - 080 - Draw Pictograms (1-1)
Y2 - 081 - Interpret pictograms (1-1)
Y2 - 082 - Draw Pictograms (2, 5 & 10) Activity
Y2 - 083 - Draw Pictograms (2, 5 & 10)
Y2 - 084 - Interpret pictograms (2,5 and 10)
Y2 - 085 - Block Diagrams
Y2 - 086 - Recognise 2D & 3D shapes
Y2 - 090 - Draw 2D shapes
Y2 - 088 - Count sides on 2D shapes
Y2 - 096 - Count edges on 3D shapes
Y2 - 097 - Count vertices on 3D shapes
Y2 - 098 - Sort 3D shapes
Y2 - 089 - Count vertices on 2D shapes
Y2 - 093 - Sort 2D shapes
Y2 - 095 - Count faces on 3D shapes
Y2 - 091 - Lines of symmetry (1)
Y2 - 092 - Lines of symmetry - draw the whole (2)
Y2 - 100 - Working with wholes and parts activity
Y2 - 094 - Make patterns with 2D shapes
Y2 - 125 - Problem solving with position
Y2 - 126 - Describe movement activity
Y2 - 113 - Problem solving with fractions
Y2 - 070 - Make equal groups - grouping
Y2 - 068 - Make equal groups - sharing
Y2 - 062 - Multiplication sentences using pictures
Y2 - 069 - Make equal groups - sharing (recap)
Y2 - 071 - Make equal groups - grouping (recap)
Y2 - 001 - Counting forwards and backwards to 20
Y2 - 002 - Tens and ones
Y2 - 003 - Counting forwards and backwards within 50
Y2 - 004 - Tens and ones within 50
Y2 - 005 - Compare numbers within 50
Y2 - 007 - Read and write numbers to 100 in numerals and words
Y2 - 006 - Count objects to 100
Y2 - 008 - Represent numbers to 100 activity
Y2 - 009 - Represent numbers to 100
Y2 - 010 - Tens and ones using part whole model
Y2 - 011 - Tens and ones using addition
Y2 - 012 - Using a place value chart
Y2 - 013 - Compare objects
Y2 - 014 - Compare numbers
Y2 - 015 - Order objects and numbers
Y2 - 016 - Count in 2s
Y2 - 017 - Count in 5s
Y2 - 018 - Count in 10s
Y2 - 019 - Count in 3s
Y2 - 020 - Fact Families
Y2 - 20 - Fact families - addition and subtraction bonds to 20
Y2 - 021 - Check Calculations
Y2 - 022 - Compare number sentences
Y2 - 022 - Compare number sentences
Y2 - 023 - Know your bonds
Y2 - 024 - Related facts
Y2 - 024 - Related Facts
Y2 - 025 - Bonds to 100 (tens)
Y2 - 026 - Add and subtract 1s
Y2 - 026 - Add and subtract ones (1)
Y2 - 026 - Add and subtract ones (2)
Y2 - 027 - Ten more ten less
Y2 - 028 - Add and subtract 10s
Y2 - 028 - Adding and Subtracting Tens
Y2 - 029 - Add by making 10
Y2 - 030 - Add a 2-digit and 1-digit number - crossing 10
Y2 - 032 - Subtraction crossing 10
Y2 - 031 - Add a 2-digit and 1-digit number - crossing 10 - Activity
Y2 - 033 - Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number - crossing 10 - Activity
Y2 - 034 - Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number - crossing 10
Y2 - 035 - Add two 2-digit numbers - not crossing 10
Y2 - 036 - Add two 2-digit numbers - crossing 10
Y2 - 036 - Add 2-digit numbers
Y2 - 037 - Subtract a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number - not crossing 10
Y2 - 037 - Subtract 2-digit numbers
Y2 - 038 - Subtract a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number - crossing 10
Y2 - 039 - Mixed addition and subtraction activity
Y2 - 040 - Find and make number bonds
Y2 - 041 - Bonds to 100 (Tens and ones)
Y2 - 041 - Bonds to 100 (tens and ones)
Y2 - 042 - Add three 1-digit numbers
Y2 - 043 - Recognising coins and notes
Y2 - 043 - Recognise notes
Y2 - 044 - Count money - pence
Y2 - 045 - Count money - pounds
Y2 - 046 - Count money - notes and coins
Y2 - 047 - Select money
Y2 - 048 - Make the same amount
Y2 - 049 - Compare money
Y2 - 050 - Find the total
Y2 - 050 - Find the total
Y2 - 051 - Find the difference
Y2 - 051 - Find the difference
Y2 - 052 - Find change
Y2 - 052 - Find change
Y2 - 053 - Two-step problems
Y2 - 053 - Two step problems
Y2 - 054 - Make equal groups activity
Y2 - 055 - Make equal groups
Y2 - 056 - Redistribute from unequal to equal groups activity
Y2 - 057 - Add equal groups
Y2 - 058 - Make arrays
Y2 - 059 - Make equal groups copy
Y2 - 060 - Add equal groups copy
Y2 - 061 - Multiplication sentences using the x symbol
Y2 - 063 - Use arrays
Y2 - 065 - The 2 times-table
Y2 - 066 - The 5 times-table
Y2 - 067 - The 10 times-table
Y2 - 068 - Sharing
Y2 - 070 - Grouping
Y2 - 074 - Odd and even numbers
Y2 - 087 - Make Patterns with 2D and 3D shapes
Y2 - 088-089 - Count sides and vertices on 2D shapes
Y2 - 093&098 - Sorting 2D and 3D shapes
Y2 - 095-097 - Count faces, edges and verticies on 3D shapes
Y2 - 101 - Make equal parts
Y2 - 102 - Recognise a half
Y2 - 103 - Find a half
Y2 - 103 - Find a half
Y2 - 104 - Recognise a quarter
Y2 - 105 - Find a quarter
Y2 - 105 - Find a quarter
Y2 - 106 - Recognise a third
Y2 - 107 - Find a third
Y2 - 108 - Unit fractions
Y2 - 108 - Unit fractions
Y2 - 109 - Non-unit fractions
Y2 - 109 - Non-unit fractions
Y2 - 110 - Equivalence of a half and 2 quarters
Y2 - 111 - Find three quarters
Y2 - 112 - Count in fractions
Y2 - 117 - Measure length (cm)
Y2 - 117 - Measure length (cm)
Y2 - 118 - Measure length (m)
Y2 - 119 - Compare lengths
Y2 - 119 - Compare lengths
Y2 - 120 - Order lengths
Y2 - 121 - Four operations with length
Y2 - 121 - Four operations with length
Y2 - 122 - Problem Solving with lengths
Y2 - 127 - Describe movement
Y2 - 128 - Describing turns
Y2 - 130 - Describing movement and turns
Y2 - 134 - o'clock and half past
Y2 - 135 - quarter to and past
Y2 - 136 - telling time to 5 minutes
Y2 - 138 - Hours and days
Y2 - 139 - Find Durations of time
Y2 - 140 - Compare durations of time
Y2 - 143 - Compare Mass
Y2 - 144 - Measure mass in grams
Y2 - 145 - Measure mass in kilograms
Y2 - 148 - Compare volume
Y2 - 149 - Millilitres
Y2 - 150 - Litres
Y2 - 154 - Temperature.mp4